Total 36 active Lastminute HU coupons, promo codes and deals are listed and the latest one is updated on Jan 04, 2024 09:27:10 AM; 30 coupons, 7 verified promo codes and 6 deals which offer 5% OFF and extra discount, make sure to use one of them when you're shopping for
You can use this voucher exclusively for booking a FLIGHT+HOTEL or HOLIDAY package on the website or app by inserting the code in the designated field and pressing "Apply".
The voucher is valid until the 02nd December 2023 and can only be used once.
The corresponding discount will be deducted from the total amount paid to us only (excluding any payment made to the hotel directly) with a minimum value of this amount being £1,500.
You may not exchange or redeem the voucher for cash.
You may not post the voucher on the Internet or any other public place, or forward it to any other person.
You cannot use the voucher in conjunction with other vouchers or offers (i.e. cashback or gift card). reserves the right to modify, suspend or cancel the voucher at any time. reserves the right to cancel the required booking if the voucher is used in an improper manner.
The code must be applied before the completion of the booking.
£250 Travel voucher Terms and Conditions
You can use this voucher exclusively for booking a FLIGHT+HOTEL or HOLIDAY package on the website or app by inserting the code in the designated field and pressing "Apply".
The voucher is valid until the 02nd December 2023 and can only be used once.
The corresponding discount will be deducted from the total amount paid to us only (excluding any payment made to the hotel directly) with a minimum value of this amount being £2,500.
You may not exchange or redeem the voucher for cash.
You may not post the voucher on the Internet or any other public place, or forward it to any other person.
You cannot use the voucher in conjunction with other vouchers or offers (i.e. cashback or gift card). reserves the right to modify, suspend or cancel the voucher at any time. reserves the right to cancel the required booking if the voucher is used in an improper manner.
The code must be applied before the completion of the booking.